
World Environment day with Vani Murthy
"Everyday is our environment Day". I'm truly blessed that one of the most inspiring mentors, Mrs Vani Murthy, more famously known as 'Worm Rani' agreed to be on my podcast on this 'World Environment Day'. Vani Murthy ji has been living a 0 waste lifestyle for decades now. She literally lives and inspires millions of people to live a plastic free and earthly lifestyle. No wonder she has 289000 followers on Instagram. My visit to her home helped me see practically, how she grows her own food, uses the remains to compost it and has a 100% no trash lifestyle. Each time I speak to her, it gives me great hope that this is the route and the best 'Solution to plastic Pollution'. This year's theme for 'World Environment Day'. Some of my questions were around what she thinks of the current situation with regards to Plastic pollution. Does she really think there is a solution/ replacement for the numerous number of plastic things we use every single day? Children see, children do! If parents are using plastic unhindered, is there a chance for children to lead a path to plastic free living? I loved every perspective she shared. Request you to please listen to the full episode too!

128: Mother's Day Special with the 3 WISE moms
Mother's Day is something I'm very excited about, Every year! Making card for my mom has been my yearly practice. I know for a fact; this is NOT enough. Did you know? The Little-WISE club I've been working on for the past 1 year made an impact by collecting close to 2.5 metric tons of plastic? If not for the encouragement of Mothers, not just mine, I wouldn't have been able to do any of it! I'm taking this perfect opportunity to introduce to the world, these 3 moms who are the trustees of 'Siyona's Little WISE Trust'. Thy have been working very hard to make a great positive impact on the health of thousands of children. Believe it or not, behind these thousands of children, there are thousands of mothers encouraging our efforts. The true Warriors behind the Little-WISE Eco-warriors. Happy Mother's Day! Lots of love to ALL the moms of this world! Thank you. WEBSITE: https://www.littlemindchats.com/ LINKEDIN: www.linkedin.com/in/little-mind-chats-podcast-94711a1b6 TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LittleMindChats INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/siyonaslittlemindchats/ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/LittleMindChats

125: Climate Change with Roberta Boscolo
we've all read/ heard of news about humanity's fight against climate change. Be it in our country India, or elsewhere in the world. Just like weather, climate and the water cycle have no boundaries across the earth, so does this specialised agency of the United Nations, World Meteorological Organisation. Feeling elated to have one of the most vocal persons of WMO, Speak to us about climate change. Meet Roberta Boscolo, a scientist and climate change leader at WMO who has been adding value to transformative solutions for a resilient, low-carbon energy for many countries across the continents. Let's hear her what she has to say about climate change and the measures to reduce climate change and its impact on our earth.

124: Schools and sustainability with Usha Iyer
A School where Carbon net zero is the goal, uniforms worn by children are Work in progress to become recyclable, Lots of trees, school grown veggies are sent home and children are constantly working towards UNSDGs. Every stone laid in building this school is rooted in and reflects sustainability. Every furniture made is made of wood…. This and so much more that went into making this award winning sustainable school! Get inspired, get sustainable. Follow the inspiring work of Mrs Usha on her social media Usha Mohan | Facebook https://www.linkedin.com/in/usha-iyer-19b52210/

123: My First time on All India Radio
It was indeed a great experience to be on All India Radio. I had the chance to interact Anupama Ji, and explain to her, all about the environmental effort that Little-WISE is working for. Why citizens do not have to completely rely on the government to do the entire cleanup of the plastic disaster we're going through right now.

122: Circular economy route to Sustainability - Dr Vidhi Vora
Circularity is everywhere in the nature… Vidhi Vohra, an ardent circular Economy supporter, preacher and advisor, clearly explains how this fits perfectly with having a sustainable world and future. Children can become the thoughtful designers of tomorrow, preserving sustainability and circularity. All you need is, the awareness, a hand holding until they understand this. As founder of Her advice to adults of today, Make your decisions based on the 7 generations coming after you so they enjoy what you have today! Please follow Dr Vidhi Vora on the following links. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_green_phoenix_project Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-vidhi-vora-89a56712b/ Website: http://www.thegreenphoenixproject.com/

121: Cancers in Children.. Why? with Dr Pooja Gujjal Chebbi
Not aware does not mean it doesn't exist. Cancers in children is a reality and its on the rise... What are you doing about it?

120: Children's Day Special with Dr Ajay Kumar - 39th Defence Secretary
Childhood memories to the future of children in our country, Dr Ajay Kumar, 39th Defence secretary of India has nailed it! He explained such inspiring stories of what Indian youngsters are capable of doing. I loved every bit of the conversation. He showed that greatness is sowed at home, through parents and siblings. It then spreads to the entire world. Hardwork and humility are 2 things I learnt from this conversation. Happy Children's Day 2022. Do follow me on my social media | WEBSITE: | https://www.littlemindchats.com/ EMAIL: | Siyona@littlemindchats.com LINKEDIN: www.linkedin.com/in/little-mind-chats-podcast-94711a1b6 TWITTER: https://twitter.com/LittleMindChats INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/siyonaslittlemindchats/ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/LittleMindChats

119: Deepavali special Episode.
An episode truly dedicated to this day of lights, happiness, fireworks and a lot of prosperity!

118: Inspiring Ingenuity - Digital Vaccines with Bhargav Sri Prakash
Its not everyday that we get to speak to history makers. With every child getting more and more addicted to screen-time, Bad eating habits, Lesser outdoor play, It's a huge concern for parents and doctors alike, on the health implications on children and their future. Bhargav is that rare breed of parent/ entrepreneur who took 12 years to research and work with experts in medical, psychological, neuroscientists and many more, for a futuristic solution. One that benefits of millions of kids for generations to come. No wonder it's a matter of pride to be the world's first person to receive a patent for Digital Vaccines. How about using technology and the natural technological capabilities of children to train them to better health? How about a future when the doctors prescribe apps as medicines? I feel greatful to have these and many more questions answered by the expert himself. We even discuss the Sustainable advantage of these vaccines. Follow Bhargav on Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/bhargavsriprakash and download the Fooya app to see it for yourself!!

117: Celebrating a ton of change, the Little-WISE style
While the whole world keeps moving forward, we took some time to stop by and look back at what we achieved in the past 10 months. Some called it nothing less than an impossible feat achieved. Little-WISE club has proudly collected ONE TON of plastic from its Eco-warriors, most of them, children Listen to this episode and you will realize the magnitude of positive response and support this intiative, now a movement is gaining. Principals, teachers, parents and children are coming together to help environment in an very festive and exuberant environment, month on month. Thank you! We’re targeting 10 tons next. Please do vote for me by 15th September, I’ve been nominated for a ‘Green Childhood Awards’ under the ‘Nature Positive Innovation of the year’ category, hosted by wenaturalists. Here’s the link -> https://tinyurl.com/5n9abj57

116: International youth Day with Arundhati Chaudhuri
In their youth, most are thinking of what to do next, what career path or which high paying job should they aim at. Amidst all this, we tend to forget the potential within us to change the disastrous environmental situation we are heading towards. On this International Youth Day, I wanted this young 16 year old who is juggling her academics along with launching a whole new magazine with a team of other young teenagers and young adults. The magazine is filled with amazing lot of information to get anyone inspired to do more for our environment. Thank you for a feature in your magazine… I fee honored https://online.fliphtml5.com/juiet/pfxi/ You can follow ‘The Young Environmentalist’ here-> https://tyeexecutives.wixsite.com/thetye Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/the_young_environmentalists/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-young-environmentalists/