A fresh new flashy toy? A dream of every child and relief on every parent's face to see a brimming smile on their child.

Think again!
Some research on toys to start with?
Research is asserting that these lovely-looking toys are the reason behind many diseases in children like endocrine disruptors, behavioral disorders, and even cancers. Due to less awareness, parents not just buy these expensive health disrupting toys; they're even discarded unscientifically. Mainly because there are no clear instructions on how to recycle toys. As over 50% of the 380 million tons of plastic produced every year is used by the Toys and Games industry, The pollution toys are wrecking on earth is unfathomable!
Sit or Act?? Act of course!!
Siyona Vikram, the 10-year-old Award-winning podcaster, is doing all it takes to raise awareness and remove these plastic toys from children's lives. She aims at helping them find sustainable alternatives through her 'Little-WISE' club.

'W I S E - Warriors Inspiring Sustainable Earth'

What happens to the plastic collected?
The collected plastic is sent out to a Pollution board approved recycler. It will be recycled into agricultural pipes!
Adding fun to purpose!
Siyona has 'Gamified' the entire process to make it fun for the Eco-warriors of her club. Bring in a kilo of plastic and earn 100 points for it. On reaching certain levels, you'll receive a coupon to shop on cool and sustainable sites.
What are you waiting for? Just sign up and find the most fun way of helping mother earth. Help Siyona achieve the dream of positively impacting millions of children, their present, and their future!


See how the little hands and little minds have put their efforts to
create an impact that can never go unnoticed


Total Number of


Total weight collected
so far


Total Number of Little
Wise Schools Involved

How can i become an

Its free and easy! Lets get proud with our work together

1 Login / Sign Up
2 Find your collection center
3 Be Part of our plastic toys collection drive
4 Earn and Redeem Points


Here are our Eco-Warriors that have stunned us with
their outstanding work!

Featured Eco-warriors

Amazing work done by our Eco-warriors

Little Minds, Little Hearts, and Little hands. We are Little, but NOT our impact!
Eco-warriors in the Little-WISE club are achieving tremendous confidence that making a difference IS possible. There's no stopping them now!

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