End of Season 1
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End of Season 1

Hi All, I’m happy that my Season 1, that is the health series is done. In this episode, we recap on what we heard and learnt from all the episodes so far. I share some fun facts about our body and the food too.I’d like to remind you that the painting competition ends on the 25th! So, quick, send me your paintings, sketches and drawings. To be fair, they will be judged by a professional artist. I hope you enjoy listening to my concluding episode for Season 1! Thanks!


[0.01] {Background Music}

[0.08] Siyona: Hello everyone, welcome to my podcast, Little Mind Chats. Minds are little not our thoughts. I’m Siyona, your host, who’s not 8 anymore, but 9! 

[0.20] In this episode, I’d like to wrap up my Season 1 which was regarding the Health Series and fortnightly news and share with you, some fun facts about our body. 

[0.32] Before we jump into the main part of this episode, I’d like to thank you all for listening to me from all across the world. I’ve had downloads from 157 cities and 19 different countries. All your feedback and downloads are very encouraging. It has definitely helped me become a better podcaster and even feel blessed for receiving all the love.

[1.00] To top up the good feeling, I’ve had children giving me the feedback on how this podcast has positively influenced them to eat better and know more about their health.

[1.12] Here’s a BIG thank you!!

[1.15] So, let’s have a little wrap up of what we learnt or heard in this season, we’ve had 4 episodes of Health-related topics. We discussed what Healthy Eating was, Healthy Teeth, Healthy Mind and Healthy Eyes. I had a fantastic experience speaking to these highly qualified, yet humble doctors.

[1.43] We’ve also had 6 episodes of News and a fantastic Special episode on International Justice day with Sophia. This particular episode has been the star episode of my podcast so far. If you are a child and you think you want to be on one of my Special Episodes, please feel free to contact me. No, it doesn’t have to be about Social justice. It could be ANY topic of your interest.

[2.16] Here’s what we learnt in this season from the doctors. 

[2.19] They all explained to us the importance of eating the right food. Dr Hari mentioned that eating Vegetables and fruits every day is that important because, the vitamins and minerals we get from them are volatile and so we loose them out every day! 

[2.37] So, what does a healthy plate look like? If you divide your food on the plate into 4 quarters, 1st quarter would have carbohydrates meaning rice, bread, cereals or Roti. 2nd quarter would have proteins like Meat or Eggs. In case of vegetarians, you could have sprouts, mushrooms, beans or Nuts like peanuts. 3rd portion would be vegetables. Either boiled or raw and finally, the fourth portion would be fruits. And to complete it, you could have a source of calcium like yogurt, milk, buttermilk and cheese. 

[3.23] Don’t forget to include those lovely greens into your veggies portion! If you’re not a big fan of eating veggies on its own, you could load a oats pizza base with them, add cheese for calcium and there you go! You have a fantastic healthy snack. Thanks to Dr Hari for giving us this appealing idea! Oh! And don’t forget to drink at least two litres of water every day!

[3.51] Here’s a FUN fact ABOUT FOOD: the body burns carbohydrates to keep it warm and to provide energy for growth and muscle movement, as well as to maintain basic body process. Also, your body is not able to store protein, so you need to eat a little every day.

[4.14] In the healthy teeth episode, we’ve learnt from Dr Swetha that its essential to brush for at least 2 minutes, to get rid of the germs on our teeth. And we certainly have to brush two times a day. Remember! The sweets we eat, like chocolates and ice-creams are the best friends for these germs. Why fear the germs? Dr Swetha explained that these germs eat our sweets and leave out acids that melt the enamel of our teeth. Remember, Enamel is the hardest substance in our body and these germs are capable of melting that too!

[5.00] Dr Swetha also mentioned how important it is for us, as children to use age appropriate tooth brush and tooth paste because of the size of our teeth and the fluoride content. Also, like it or not, its best we visit our Dentist every six months mainly to detect any ongoing problems as early as possible…

[5.24] Here’s a fact about teeth: DO you know that it takes More than 300 types of bacteria to make up dental plaque? This is what leaves your teeth black! EEEwwww that gives us all the more reason to brush two times a day!

[5.44] In the healthy mind episode, we’ve learnt a good deal of new things from Dr Divya Nallur. I’d advise you to listen again to understand why we should not run to the gadgets as soon as we find a split second of free time, it’s good for us to get bored. Most of the scientists were born as they were allowed to get bored and that helped them discover or invent wonderful things for us. In that episode, we also discussed why it’s not right for us to watch violent or horror movies. 

[6.22] She also explained why bullying is never a good thing. She mentioned that many of us, both the bully and victim do not even know what bullying is! And the best thing she clarified; Intelligence is not the same as Education. But Education and the degrees we get out of them helps us exercise our Intelligence in the right place.

[6.49] Here’s a fun fact about our brain: Did you know that the Mind and Brain are not the same? Brain is a delicate organ made of more than 100 billion nerve cells. Whereas, Mind makes up these thoughts, emotions, determination, imagination but all this takes place in the Brain! 

[7.12] And another thing is that the left side of the brain controls the right side of your body and the right side controls the left side of your body.

[7.23] In the healthy eyes’ episode, we’ve learnt some really good facts about our eyes from Dr Manjunath. 60% of our daily functioning happens with the help of our eyes. He explained in very simple terms as to why a lot of kids in our generation are getting glasses at such a young age.

[7.48] Dr Manjunath also explained that if something gets into our eyes, we need to take the right precautionary measures as quickly as possible to save maximum vision of our eyes. Foods with Vitamin A like carrots and Papaya along with good sleep would help us have healthy eyes for a long time into our future. 

[8.11] Fun fact about eyes! Your Eyes focus on 50 different objects every second and that too, upside down. It’s your brain that puts things right. Also 80% of learning happens through eyes. I’d really urge you to learn more using your eyes but not through screens. You could learn from books, toys or so many other things around you.

[8.41] I’ll not bore you with all the news we listened to in this season. But I would like to highlight that in my first news episode, the number of Co-vid cases were 3.3 million. We thought that was high. But guess what? It’s now 14 million cases across the world in just about two and half months. The number of deaths was 2,30,000 and now it’s a multiplied number of 8.5 million. That just explains to us, that we need to continue staying at home and continue the hygiene practices. Like one of our little listeners advised us, stay home, stay safe.

[9.27] I’d like to request you to please send me your comments, advice and suggestions on what you like about my podcast and what you don’t! That’ll help us all get better episodes on Little Mind Chats. 

[9.41] Next week, we’ll be starting Season 2. And I’m super excited about it. If you’re curious to know more on what my next Season is all about, wait until the next Sunday.

[9.57] Thanks to all of you who’ve already sent me your paintings for the competition ending on 25th July, Saturday. Quick! Send me your paintings, sketches or drawings today! We will be engaging a professional artist to judge all the entries. To know more about the artist and see his paintings, you’d have to wait for the 26th, that’s next Sunday!

[10.20] You know where to send your paintings and your feedback to. Mail me on Siyona@littlemindchats.com or upload them on the Competitions page on my website. You could even tag me on Facebook or Instagram. Just look for Little Mind Chats. I can’t wait for the next episode to see who the winners are!

[10.43] And before we end this episode, I would like to remind you that the comet NEOWISE is visible this week and if you miss it I don’t think you’ll ever see it again for it will appear only after 7000 years… 

[10.59] Meet you with a new episode and a new season next week. 

[11.03] Thanks a ton for listening…. Bye…

[11.06] {Closing Music}

Other Interesting Episodes

07 Jun-20. by Siyona

Healthy Teeth

21 Jun-20. by Siyona

Healthy Mind

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