Current news for kids
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Current news for kids

Hi Friends, Thanks for visiting my website, Hope you enjoyed the news. That’s not everything happening in the world, I tried to capture the most interesting ones for you. Links to news you just heard are on my website. Please do visit it to know more details. Please do leave your valuable comments for me to get better at what I’m doing. Thank you :😊


Episode: 002 Current new for kids.

[0.01] {Background Music}

[0.09] Siyona: Hello lovely kids out there. Welcome to my podcast, Little mind chats. Minds are Little, Not our thoughts! I’m Siyona. As I said in our first episode, we kids need to know some news too. So, in this episode, we will be looking at the news from around the world. 

[0.26] Let’s start with some news on Covid-19 or corona virus.

[0.31] The lock down due, to end on may 3rd here in India has been extended by two more weeks. But the good pass is that safer zones have good lots of relaxations. Number of people effected by corona virus is measured in three scales.

1. How many have got it.

2. How many have recovered from it.

3. And how many could not recover and so are dead.

[0.55] 3.3million people all over the world have got it. Over one million people have got recovered. But unfortunately, over 2,30,000 people are dead. Out of all the countries in the world, the United States is the worst affected. 

[1.12] Spain’s children are free to go out and play. As you are aware, children across the world are on lock down just like us. After six weeks of lock down, Spain has decided that it’s safe to let children go out and play. It does come out with a few restrictions too like no parks are open for play yet.

[1.36] Russian prime minister tests positive for Covid-19. Russian prime minister Mikhail Mishustin tested positive for Covid-19 and has offered to stay back at home to avoid spreading it to others. 

[1.52] The prime minister of UK was the first world’s leader to be diagnosed. He was discharged from the hospital last week and is back to work. To add to his joy of his recovery, he now has a little baby boy born a few days ago. 

[2.10] India exports HCQ to help countries in Covid-19 fight. Studies have shown that hydroxychloroquine or HCQ and chloroquine have anti-viral properties against the virus that cause Covid-19. This medicine is usually used to treat malaria. 

[2.31] India being the largest producer of HCQ is now exporting it to 40 countries. We are also exporting 500 million of paracetamol tablets to 60 countries.

[2.45] World faces worst recession since great depression. The economy is all about how money is earned and spent in a certain area. 

[2.56] Due to corona virus lock down, people are neither earning nor spending as much as they used to before the lock down. 

[3.04] In the United States, which is one of the world’s largest economies, the number of people who lost their jobs, hit a record high. Similarly, close to one million people in the United Kingdom also applied for benefits in just two weeks at the end of march. Meaning, lot of people have been losing their jobs. 

[3.28] Here’s some science news,

[3.31] Environmental impact of global lock down, the lock down has definitely brought in a huge positive difference on our environment. Many main cities across the world are recording much lower levels of air pollution caused by tiny microscopic particles known as PM2.5 and the gas nitrogen dioxide which is released by warehouse and powerplants. 

[3.55] Scientists fired a small cannonball into a near-earth asteroid. The Japan aerospace exploration agency similar to ISRO of India, fired a copper cannonball, a little bigger than a tennis ball into an asteroid passing by earth. This asteroid called Ryugu was passing just 195 million miles away. They did this to learn what it is made of. The spacecraft Hayabusa2 shot this cannonball like device which is packed with plastic explosives intended to blast an artificial crater in the asteroid. This impact created nearly 33-foot-wide crater on the surface of the asteroid. The researchers believe that Ryugu includes a material similar to loose sand on earth. 

[4.52] Australia to fund Great Barrier Reef restoration and protection. The great barrier reef is located in the Coral Sea off the coast of Queensland, Australia. The reef can be seen from the space and was listed as the world heritage site in 1981 by UNESCO. In recent years, the Great Barrier Reef, sometimes called the rain forests of the sea is getting rapidly eroded. It has lost 30% of its coral due to bleaching linked to rising sea temperatures and damage from crown-of-thorns starfish. Thankfully, Australia has pledged 500million Australian dollars to protect the Great Barrier Reef.

[5.41] Ancient items found in Norway’s Melting Ice. Melting Ice in the mountains of Norway has revealed item that has been frozen there since traders passed through over 1,000 years ago. The items were nearly in perfect condition giving historians a fresh look at life during Viking times. They found things like tunics and mittens and shoes. The researchers found wooden tools and boxes. They even found an arrow with feathers still on it.

[6.18] Hope you enjoyed the news. That’s now everything happening in the world. I tried to capture the most interesting ones for you. Links to news you just heard are on my website ( Please do visit the website to know more details.

[6.34] Before saying bye I would like to remind you guys on sharing your lock down activities with me. Send me your voice messages, pictures, videos or anything that can help me understand your lock down activities better to my email (repeats) You could WhatsApp me on +916366305959

[7.06] That brings us to the end of this episode. Thanks a ton for listening. Until the next episode, Stay Home and Stay Safe. Bye.

[7.14] {Closing Music}

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