Back to School!!
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Back to School!!

Its the end of the Summer holidays and it looks like the lock down is finally coming to an end too! I just can’t wait to start school, meet new friends and teachers. In this episode, we discuss how schools in other countries are coping, how we might start schooling and why things will be different for all of us. Don’t miss out the useful tips for online schooling. Hope you’ll enjoy this episode too..


Episode 3: Back to School

[0.01] {Background Music}

[0.09] Siyona: Hello my kiddo friends, hope you all had a lovely week. Welcome to my third episode.

[0.15] As you all are aware; we’re approaching the end of our Summer holidays and the end of lock down too. And it’s time to get back to school. In this episode, I’ve chosen to speak about returning to school! 

[0.31] What? Get back to SCHOOL??? What about the virus? 

[0.36] Err. Let’s take those questions one by one. Yes, it is important to go back to school Because there is nowhere else, we could get educated remember? It gets boring at home without school. Also, at school, you never know when the teachers are arranging a fun activity.  

[0.58] How about the virus then?

[1.01] Well, this is exactly the reason why Most of the countries have chosen to do schooling online! And when its safe enough, they are opening up the school gates. But yes of course, the safety and hygiene practices are definitely in place.

[1.21] Countries including China, Taiwan, Denmark and Israel have reopened schools. Wearing face masks and maintaining social distancing within the classroom is the new normal routine across all of these countries. 

[1.37] But United states of America is likely to keep school gates closed and continue online classes for the rest of the academic year.

[1.47] How about schools in India then?

[1.51] I was excited to read the news that the schools are likely to open after lockdown ends, but with an odd-even rule. Meaning, half the students will go in one day and second half go in the next day. It is probably planned that way so kids can practice social distancing within the classroom too. 

[2.14] It is very likely that schools will avoid any sports, extra-curricular activities or even assemblies for some time.

[2.24] How about the day I don’t go to school? Is it a holiday? 

[2.28] Emmm Probably Not! Our teachers are likely to plan and give us enough things for us to learn at home too.

[2.38] Now, Let’s set the mood to go to school. As for me, I’m super excited to start a new school in a new country! I can’t wait to go on the school bus… I’ve never had a school bus ride in the UK Before…

[2.56] I hope you kids are equally excited too… 

[3.00] But before we could get too excited, we need to remember the really naughty virus out there. 

[3.07] Here are some precautions we could take while at school.

  • Make sure you have a little sanitiser bottle in your bag and use it as and when necessary
  • DO NOT touch your face at all
  • Don’t get too close to people around you. 
  • Wash your hands thoroughly after using the toilet.
  • It’s best not to share your food with your friends during the lunch or snack breaks
  • Always carry a pack of tissues with you

[3.43] If you’re going to have online classes like my school, I’d like to share some tips for better learning.

[3.51] 5 Tips for Before the class starts.

[3.55] Tip1 – Install all necessary software recommended by your school. Oh, and don’t forget a working headset! 

[4.03] Tip 2 – Make sure you’re in front of your computer at least 5 mins before the class starts. This helps in settling into the class easily

[4.17] Tip 3 – Create a dedicated study table with enough air and light around your desk. It’s best to have a comfortable chair to sit on. The classes may sometimes run for hours. 

[4.32] Tip 4 – You must be prepared with your relevant text book, note book, rough note and necessary stationary like pen, pencil, scale, eraser and sharpener

[4.46] Tip 5 – Make sure you have had a good snack so you don’t get hungry and remain attentive during the class. Don’t forget to Keep some drinking water with you

[5.00] Now, let’s look at 5 tips to follow during the class

[5.06] Tip 1 – Make sure you don’t fiddle with things around you, naughty naughty! as this will definitely distract you from what the teacher is speaking online.

[5.18] Tip 2 – Do not ask questions in between the teacher’s explanation. Make note of your questions and ask them when it is appropriate. This helps in smooth flow of the online Class

[5.33] Tip 3 – Make note of the assignments the teacher might ask you to do as homework.

[5.40] Tip 4 – For the benefit of refreshing your eyes, look away from the screen for a about 15 seconds every 10 minutes.

[5.50] Tip 5 – Mute yourself if you have nothing to speak. This helps keep the sounds to a minimum level for everyone involved in the class

[6.01] And finally, some tips for After the class ends.

[6.05] Yay! Now that the class is over, there’s nothing for us to do…. If that’s what you’re thinking, it’s probably not just that.

[6.15] Tip 1 – Read back on what assignments were given. This helps you schedule it better

[6.22] Tip 2 – Get ready for the next class if there’s one. 

[6.26] Tip 3 – If possible, discuss the day’s lessons with your parents (hope they have time for that!). This way, they could easily help you if you’re stuck with your assignments

[6.40] Tip 4 – Keep your books and stationary back to the place they belong so you could find and use them easily the next time you need them.

[6.50] I really hope that helps you begin school. I am SOOO looking forward to school in whatever format

[6.59] Please do get in touch with me! Mail me on, WhatsApp me on 6366305959 or visit my website and leave me a message on the ‘Get Involved’ page.

[7.19] That brings us to the end of this episode. As usual, thanks a ton for listening. Bye.

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