102: Businesses can embrace sustainability – Azaan Feroze Sait
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102: Businesses can embrace sustainability – Azaan Feroze Sait

Would you think its possible to go sustainable everywhere? I mean even at the work place of our grown-ups? Azaan Feroze Sait, the most forward thinking businessman I’ve come across so far, has not just supported me even since the ideation of Little-WISE. He’s now helping me take it to a whole new level…. Going sustainable at his organisation! How cool is that? He’s just proving that children’s voices and future does not have to go unnoticed. There is value to what we’re saying.

Azaan Feroz Sait is the Founder and Chief Happiness Officer of The Hub Bengaluru. You’ve heard SO much about Hub Bengaluru from me haven’t you?? 

Azaan is the driving force behind Safina Ventures- the startup studio behind brands like Safina Banquets, Safina Plaza, Safina Motors. If you’re in Bengaluru, you will certainly be familiar with Safina plaza…Azaan is a serial entrepreneur who has started and worked with over a dozen startups over the last decade, Azaan has developed a unique understanding of how to leverage the power of storytelling to build customer focused businesses.

For the first time, you could watch this fun filled conversation here -> https://youtu.be/3oF7rYfjOAs

Follow Azaan and the ever happening Hub Bengaluru on the below social media channels

Instagram: @azaan_sait,  @thehubbengaluru
Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/azaanferozsait, https://www.linkedin.com/company/thehub/
Twitter: @AzaanFeroz, @thehubbengaluru

Please take time to sign my petition to ‘Say NO to plastic toys’ here -> https://chng.it/vSpHztxb

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