
102: Businesses can embrace sustainability – Azaan Feroze Sait
Would you think its possible to go sustainable everywhere? I mean even at the work place of our grown-ups? Azaan Feroze Sait, the most forward thinking businessman I’ve come across so far, has not just supported me even since the ideation of Little-WISE. He’s now helping me take it to a whole new level…. Going sustainable at his organisation! How cool is that? He’s just proving that children’s voices and future does not have to go unnoticed. There is value to what we’re saying.

101: Parent’s thoughts on toys – Jamaica/ USA – G’Ade
G’Ade just nailed a few things in this conversation. Its true that children will need more ways to engage ourselves. With so many gadgets, toys are anyways loosing their relevance slowly. That would mean so much less pollution in our living spaces.

099: Republic Day Special – Brigadier Sushil Bhasin
I just loved how Brigadier Sushil Bhasin explains the need for displaying India’s Military prowess and our rich cultural heritage on every Republic day. He explains why it is very necessary for all of us to live a responsible life, and in turn honour lives of all the soldiers who sacrificed for our country. He has a very interesting take on how time management can be taught to kids and how our skills should change to suit the future jobs.

098: On a mission towards India’s sustainability – Sunil Sood
Speak about the future of sustainability… Here’s the man who’s dedicated 30 years of his life in understanding this in-depth! While most of us choose to ignore and blame it on the system, He’s set out to change this with an iron fist. He’s Coming up with an exhaustive 22 documents about holistic sustainability for the Grand future of India… Not alone, but with a team of experts, he’s ready to present it to our central Government by August 15th this year.

097: Toy industry Influencer – Matt Nuccio
Taking my conversation up one notch, I was lucky to get in touch with Matt Nuccio, one of the top 100 influencers in the toy industry. We spoke about alternative materials for moving away from plastic in our toys, and how the transition has already begun.

096: Draw it to believe it. Its your Future! with Patti Dobrowolski
I feel proud and humbled at the same time to bring this episode out….. Normally, we can’t see our dreams when we wake up. But how about the dreams that keep you awake? There is a way to not just dream big, but even see it every day to achieve it.

095: Sustainability in Stationary with Naren and Ashutosh
What do we write with? Pens, pencils, What do we write in? books, papers… That’s common sense.. But what’s not so common knowledge, is the fact that the traditional stationary we use, is VERY heavy on the resources of our earth.

094: Sustainable living made easy with Chaitsi Ahuja
Chaitsi Ahuja, an Environmentalist who turned into a sustainability leader in business helps us understand how her love for mother earth is still the core of what she does.

094: First off – An impactful plastic collection drive
According to one of Murphy’s laws, ‘Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse’. I’m choosing not to leave the situation of plastics and toys to themselves. I did a plastic collection drive last week, as it was the last sunday of November. One kid gave up a kilo worth of his toys and 3 kids went on an epic fun evening collecting a whopping 9 kilos of household plastics and toys in their immediate neighbourhood.

093: All about sustainable toys with Christina Floyd
Hi, Are there any trustable sustainable toys at all out there? Where do I find genuine ones? Why Should I buy them? To answer these questions and so much more, I have Christina floyd with me. She’s been researching and sharing some golden nuggets to other parents, through her blogs and her popular facebook group called ‘Sustainable

092: A paediatrician’s view on Plastic toys
Pediatricians think its an immediate necessity to take action against the plastics in our homes. 6 months through to 5 years toddlers are the most affected. Listen and know exactly how these chemicals work at the Amino acids level.

091: My cross-cast with Pete about Little-WISE
Meet Pete, My mentor and a person who has been constantly trying to bring out the best in me and thousands of other people with his Mi365 podcast. I’m calling this a cross-cast as we recorded it in one place to go on my podcast as well as his.